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Djane Ki : TR707, Crave, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay, pitch shifter, reverb, mixers.

Publié dans Film, Musique | Tags : triceratops, live, 909 bar, techno, electronic, analog equipment | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |


LBA K7 [214] - Brand New Bastards

RAVERS DELIGHT : Jungle mixtape produced by BRAND NEW BASTARDS (dj Ki & dj Bouto) @ LBA Studio, 2017.

Tracklist :
Si Begg, “Buffer State” [IOT Records]
Bintree, “Swamp Rider” [PRAT records]
Black Sun Empire – Eye-D Remix, “Skin Deep” [Citrus Recording]
Sineb vs Oko System, Untittled [Kurva records]
Hellfish & Producer, “Theme from fuck daddy” [Death Chant records]
Marco Caro, “Imput” [Breakbeat sampler]
Special Forces “Exocet…” [Photek Productions]
Shy FX, “Bambaata” [Ebony Records]
Hern vs Phenx, “Fly to Space” [45K]
Aphex Twin, “54 cymrubeats” [Warp]
Krumble, “Dark Drumizing” [Jungle Therapy]


IN DER MASCHINE : BnB captured live @ Le Diamant d'Or, Strasbourg (F), 2018.
4 skill hands on MPC [sampler] & MK2 [turntables]
Tracklist : feat. Tongue, Pansonic, Einstürzende Neubauten, Basement Jaxx, Bambaataa, Dredbass...
Dj Bouto : " Aborder la MPC en mode "fingers drumming" lors d'un duo suppose de trouver un dj extrêmement précis au niveau du tempo et de l'enchaînement des séquences ; d'autant plus lorsqu'il s'agit de vinyles à l'allure fluctuante ! Il faut aussi s'entraîner et prévoir des séances de répétition... parmi beaucoup de djs que j'ai croisés, seule djane Ki a su faire preuve de la patience et de la rigueur nécessaire ; c'est pourquoi Brand New Bastards n'est pas un "duo", une "collab", un "versus" ou autre "back to back"... mais un véritable GROUPE, au sens rock'n'roll du terme.
Nous préparons un set techno-techno pour notre festival LORÉZIEN (oui) de l'été prochain. Be there ! "


Tuning Corner [CRAVE]

crave, behringer

The 1980s and ’90s spawned a new “wave” of synth users including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Dr. Dre, Radiohead, film-maker John Carpenter and a host of others, all empowered by sounds emanating from the legendary Prophet-5 *. An ultra-affordable homage to that iconic synthesizer with all the features of the original and then some, such as a 32-step sequencer and arpeggiator, the CRAVE lets you conjure up virtually any sound with incredible finesse and ease. With its pure analog signal path, authentic 3340 VCO with pulse and sawtooth wave outputs, plus extremely flexible VCF and VCA filters, the CRAVE is sure to become your favorite keyboard. Owning the CRAVE is like having your own personal time machine, enabling you to embrace the past – or make your imprint on the future!

Publié dans Musique, Shopping | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |