Play it Again [Brand New Bastards]
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Gémeaux [constellation]
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SMNTM #47 [Dj Bouto]
01. Djamchid Chemirami "improvisation à 6 temps (zarb)"
02. Bill Laswell "Thunupa"
03. Dj Food "Hour Glass"
04. Dj Food "Looking Glass"
05. Autechre "Live"
06. Dj Krush "xxx"
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Le Moustachu
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Lemon Sole E.P. [Brand New Bastards]
Carefully fried by the Brand New Bastards
Lemon Sole . . . . . 7.56
Noise of Olaz . . . . 3.40
On board : Original Roland stuff (TR-808, Jupiter-8, Juno-6, RE-201) and more…
Produced by Djane Ki & Boutovitch @ LBA Studio, Lozère, Fr.
℗&© LBA 2023
Publié dans Musique | Tags : brand new bastards, djane ki, dj bouto, acid, techno, deep, ambient | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Ardoise [Eïki]
Publié dans Science | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
LBA K7 [20-A]
Mixed in Belfort, eastern France, 1996.
Keywords : UR, Underground Resistance "Meteor Shower", Silvershower "Ice Fractions 1" [Plus 8 Records], Monobox "Realm 2" [M Plant], Jeff Mills "I9", "Gamma Player" [Axis Records], Juan Atkins "Detroit" [Metroplex Records]...
Publié dans Musique | Tags : detroit techno, acid, underground resistance, silvershower, +8 records, monobox, m-plant records, jeff mills, axis records, juan atkins, metroplex records | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Nota bene
Publié dans Loisirs | Tags : ovide | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |