Track #2 [Dj Bouto - Triangle EP]
Publié dans Musique | Tags : detroit, techno, trance, valse | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Track #3 [Dj Bouto - Triangle EP]
Publié dans Musique | Tags : dj bouto, tribal, dub, techno, house | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Javelin Throw [ TRICERATOPS ]
Djane Ki : TR707, Crave, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay, pitch shifter, reverb, mixers.
Publié dans Film, Musique | Tags : triceratops, electronic, jungle | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
LBA K7 [222] - Brand New Bastards
01 - Squarepusher, Metteng Excuske v1.2
02 - Squarepusher, 137 (Rinse)
03 - Squarepusher, The Exploding Psychology
04 - Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy (Little Lord Faulteroy Mix)
05 - Squarepusher, Greenways Trajectory
06 - Squarepusher, Full Rinse (Featuring MC Twin Tub)
07 - Squarepusher, Boneville Occident
08 - Squarepusher, My Fucking Sound
09 - Squarepusher, Go! Spastic
10 - Squarepusher, Come On My Selector
11 - Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy (Mummy Mix)
Improvised, recorded and produced by BnB @ LBA Studio, Fr, 2017.
More Steve Bicknell : www.discogs.com/artist/1112-Steve-Bicknell
Publié dans Musique | Tags : squarepusher, aphex twin, brand new bastards, dj buoto, djane ki, jungle, jazz, techno, underground | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Tuning Corner [TORO]
Get ready to run with the bulls because a venerable classic synth is now back and made more accessible and affordable to everyone! Introducing the Behringer TORO, an authentic recreation of the legendary Taurus I made popular by Rush, Genesis, Dream Theater and Yes to name a few. Now all those iconic tones can be yours.
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Djane Ki : TR707, Crave, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay, pitch shifter, reverb, mixers.
Publié dans Film, Musique | Tags : triceratops, live, 909 bar, techno, electronic, analog equipment | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
LBA K7 [214] - Brand New Bastards
RAVERS DELIGHT : Jungle mixtape produced by BRAND NEW BASTARDS (dj Ki & dj Bouto) @ LBA Studio, 2017.
Tracklist :
Si Begg, “Buffer State” [IOT Records]
Bintree, “Swamp Rider” [PRAT records]
Black Sun Empire – Eye-D Remix, “Skin Deep” [Citrus Recording]
Sineb vs Oko System, Untittled [Kurva records]
Hellfish & Producer, “Theme from fuck daddy” [Death Chant records]
Marco Caro, “Imput” [Breakbeat sampler]
Special Forces “Exocet…” [Photek Productions]
Shy FX, “Bambaata” [Ebony Records]
Hern vs Phenx, “Fly to Space” [45K]
Aphex Twin, “54 cymrubeats” [Warp]
Krumble, “Dark Drumizing” [Jungle Therapy]
4 skill hands on MPC [sampler] & MK2 [turntables]
Publié dans Musique | Tags : jungle, drum and bass, triphop, finger drumming, brand new bastards, dj bouto, djane ki, le diamant d'or, live, strasbourg | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Tuning Corner [CRAVE]
The 1980s and ’90s spawned a new “wave” of synth users including Michael Jackson, Madonna, Dr. Dre, Radiohead, film-maker John Carpenter and a host of others, all empowered by sounds emanating from the legendary Prophet-5 *. An ultra-affordable homage to that iconic synthesizer with all the features of the original and then some, such as a 32-step sequencer and arpeggiator, the CRAVE lets you conjure up virtually any sound with incredible finesse and ease. With its pure analog signal path, authentic 3340 VCO with pulse and sawtooth wave outputs, plus extremely flexible VCF and VCA filters, the CRAVE is sure to become your favorite keyboard. Owning the CRAVE is like having your own personal time machine, enabling you to embrace the past – or make your imprint on the future!
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Triceratops [Live at 909 B.A.R.]
We came back to the raw machines, without memory (each one writes its settings) and we sequence everything in Midi, back to the Atari mind... PS: if we do not use our best machines (Tr-909, Tr-808, Juno-6, Jupiter-8, Sh-101, etc.) nor our best mixing tables, it is by choice of lightness, therefore mobility... Our challenge is also to get good sound from cheap tools !
Tuning corner, who plays what :
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay,, pitch shifter, reverb, 2 x mixers.
Produced by Triceratops
Made in Lorèze (p)&(c) 2025 La Bande Adhésive
Publié dans Evénement, Musique | Tags : triceratops, live, electronic, lozère | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
Tuning Corner [CAT]
The 1970s spawned the first truly portable analog synthesizer, and while it was quickly adopted by lots of renowned musical artists including Jan Hammer, Chick Corea, Rick Wakeman, Jean-Michel Jarre, Isao Tomita and Keith Emerson to name a few, it was somewhat temperamental and very expensive.
In 1975, a new synth strolled into town. The Cat as it was called was an analog, duophonic, three octave synthesizer that was very similar to the ARP Odyssey. Its keyboard would produce two control voltages that were routed into its two VCOs. An ultra-affordable and even more feature-packed homage to that iconic synthesizer comes in the form of the Behringer CAT. Conjure up the virtually any sound imaginable with incredible finesse and ease. The pure analog signal path is based on authentic VCO, VCF and VCA designs in conjunction with 4 variable and simultaneous oscillator shapes and Duophonic/Paraphonic capabilities. Owning a CAT is like having your own personal time machine, enabling you to freely embrace the past – or shape the future. And the best of all, it doesn’t scratch.
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