Triceratops [Live at 909 B.A.R.]
Nous sommes revenus aux machines brutes, sans mémoire (chacun note ses réglages) et nous séquençons tout en Midi, retour à l'esprit Atari... PS : si nous n'utilisons pas nos meilleures machines (Tr-909, Tr-808, Juno-6, Jupiter-8, Sh-101, etc.) ni nos meilleures tables de mixage, c'est par choix de légèreté, donc de mobilité... Notre défi est aussi de parvenir à faire sonner du matos un peu "cheapos" !
We came back to the raw machines, without memory (each one writes its settings) and we sequence everything in Midi, back to the Atari mind... PS: if we do not use our best machines (Tr-909, Tr-808, Juno-6, Jupiter-8, Sh-101, etc.) nor our best mixing tables, it is by choice of lightness, therefore mobility... Our challenge is also to get good sound from cheap tools !
Tuning corner, who plays what :
We came back to the raw machines, without memory (each one writes its settings) and we sequence everything in Midi, back to the Atari mind... PS: if we do not use our best machines (Tr-909, Tr-808, Juno-6, Jupiter-8, Sh-101, etc.) nor our best mixing tables, it is by choice of lightness, therefore mobility... Our challenge is also to get good sound from cheap tools !
Tuning corner, who plays what :
Djane Ki : TR707, Crave, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay,, pitch shifter, reverb, 2 x mixers.
Produced by Triceratops
Made in Lorèze (p)&(c) 2025 La Bande Adhésive
Eïki San : TR505, Toro, distortion, delay, flanger, mixer.
Dj Bouto : TD6, RD3, Solina, distortion, delay,, pitch shifter, reverb, 2 x mixers.
Produced by Triceratops
Made in Lorèze (p)&(c) 2025 La Bande Adhésive
Publié dans Evénement, Musique | Tags : triceratops, live, electronic, lozère | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | | |
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